Sunny Meadows Flower Farm

Bareroot-Peony Coral Charm


$20 each or 3 for $50! The discount will automatically apply when you add 3 to your cart. These will ship immediately.

Florist favorite peony and best seller! The Coral Charm peony has large, bowl-shaped flowers with incurved petals and a frilly mass of stamens. The buds are deep coral in color with yellow centers. As they age they appear to be a more light pink/ivory color.

It may take up to 3 years for the peony to produce flowers, but this is normal!

These roots will produce in late spring, early summer and are early bloomers in comparison to other peony varieties. The Coral Charm peony grows best in full sun and well-drained, moisture-retentive soil. When harvested in the "marshmallow stage" (in buds, but not too tight), peonies can store for multiple weeks before being taken out of the cooler and designed with.