Dahlia Tuber FAQ
About the Tubers
About the TubersGeneral information about our dahlia tubers
Placing Your Order
Placing Your OrderHow to shop our sale + what to expect when you place your order
Receiving Your Order
Receiving Your OrderWhat do do when your tubers arrive + steps for storing your tubers before planting
Growing Tubers
Growing DahliasInformation on how to grow + propagate dahlias
Dahlia Disease
Dahlia DiseaseWhat to do if you suspect any of your tubers have disease
Problems with Order
Problems with Your OrderIf you still have questions after reviewing the FAQ topics below, log the issue by submitting a Dahlia Tuber Support Ticket. We will respond within 3-5 business days.
Tubers come in all shapes and sizes, but all of these will produce beautiful plants! Tubers are sold as single tubers, but may come as a small clump with a few tubers attached, depending on tuber formation.