SMFF Retail

Premium Bouquet


A grower's choice mixed bouquet shipped or delivered direct to your door.

With an ever-changing variety of flowers and foliage available to us, grower's choice means the flowers for your bouquet will be selected based on what's blooming in the fields and greenhouses. 

Each bouquet is handmade to order and includes 20-30 stems of local and seasonal flowers. Our bouquets change through the spring and summer along with the growing season- in March and April, the bouquets are filled with ranunculus, anemones, and tulips, and transition to peonies, dahlias, lisianthus, and sunflowers as the season goes on.

SHIPPING: Orders are shipped Tuesday-Thursday via UPS Next Day Air or FedEx Overnight service

If this is a gift for someone, please leave your message in the notes section in your cart or at checkout. We will include a handwritten card with your bouquet.

Please note:
We do not offer custom orders. If you have a special request regarding color or flower type, you can leave us a note in the order instructions when you check out. We are not always able to accommodate custom requests, but if we can, we will! Please do not email us with special requests.

Not available to ship to Alaska or Hawaii.