SMFF Retail

Liner-Viburnum Chicago Lustre


Includes four 4" pots in the price listed. They are ready to plant into the ground upon arrival.  Be sure to keep them well watered while they are getting established.

Viburnum arrowwood Chicago Lustre

Light: Full sun to partial shade

Hardiness Zones: 3-8

Height: 8-12 feet

Spread: 6-10 feet

This is a staple here at SMFF, sold in multiple forms. In the spring, we sell the flowering plant as 'Spring Lace' viburnum.  Once the berries form, we sell it as 'Green Pearl' viburnum before they turn blue.  And the stems that do not have berries, we sell as 'Arrowwood foliage' viburnum.  The plants produce berries on second year wood, so be careful not to harvest too much of the foliage to leave some on the plants for next year's berries.